Saturday, November 10, 2007


Next week I promise to go back to the issues and talk about important nationwide concepts of things like health care and the war. I'll do this as soon as I find an article that discusses them. What I did find, this week, on a number of databases, including the New York Times (for shame!) is information about how late Barack Obama was to a rally at a college in Iowa. Apparently his plane landed in Des Moines instead of Cedar Rapids. Now, I don' t know about the readers of these articles, but I think that I'll change my voting pattern because the poor guy made a timing mistake. Come on!
What's funny to me is the opening line of the New York Times article. It said that Obama is "generally one of the more punctual politicians." Who is keeping track of this? We should get him or her a new job.
Even further, the New York Times interviewed one of the attendees of the rally who waited for Obama to get there. When asked if the incident would affect her voting, she said, "Oh no. I think he's one of the few people who can turn this country around." Thank you, Kay Lammers. Furthermore, Obama apologized and handled the situation gracefully, grinning and joking about the directional mistake. If he had handled this poorly, then maybe (maybe!) there would be a story here. Otherwise, there is not. If this leaked to one paper, that's fine, but Google News had a list of four!

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