Saturday, September 29, 2007


I would like to follow up on my past comments about endorsements and gossip with a subject that I read numerous articles about in such online editions as the Boston Globe and the New York Times. The articles all discuss the fact that in a television interview, Bill Clinton stated that Barack Obama does not have the experience to run for the Presidency. Now, one would automatically assume that this was a clever ploy to get his wife elected, but her office declined comment on the issue. I know I'm starting to get repetitive - but...once again, who cares?
If the question here is one of political experience, we cannot deny that Barack Obama lacks in this area. But who is Bill Clinton (who one might argue was a success or a disappointment, depending on viewpoint) to give political advice? In my personal opinion, in the world of politics, lack of experience can only be a positive factor. The more "experienced" a politician is, the more they will cater to people in their social stratification. I think that politicians tend to become aloof, and jaded. So - while Barack Obama lacks political background - he also has a strong background in morality and community life, having served as a community organizer. Let's change the name of the "President" to the "American community organizer" - because isn't that exactly what he (or she) is? Or at least what he should be? It's an interesting point to ponder. As to whether this will change voting patterns, I cannot decide at this point. Clearly Clinton's opinion carries weight. But again, I would rather read an article about Barack Obama's plan juxtaposed with Hillary's, than an account from the spouse of a candidate about his opinion. Journalists! Let me decide!

And I just have to include one more thing. It makes me giggle. It's not that I'm not a Clinton fan, but this is just plain funny. It's from NY Times: "And in another development, move over Mr. Giuliani: New York magazine’s story on the Clintons — not out until Sunday — includes a cover photo illustration (meaning fictional) of Mr. Clinton dressed in drag as, we’re told, Jackie Kennedy." .... I'll buy it.

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