Sunday, October 14, 2007


In my Google news quest for the week, I was scanning through headlines about the election, and one caught my eye. It read, "Fred Thompson's Hot Babe." According to the article, Thompson, a 65-year old divorcee is now married to bleach blond, tanned, 41-year-old named Jeri Kehn. This inevitably brings up the question of morality. The pair met in a supermarket and now have 2 kids. I realize that I complain about tabloid journalism and the uselessness of rumors, but to be honest, there is an ethical issue here. Is it love? A story of two opposites attracting? Or is it a gold-digging woman seeking political fame of some sort? Did Thompson embrace her just because of the idea of a "trophy wife?"
The author of the article humorously asserts his questions about Thompson's wife. He writes, "
Look, Thompson has a balding noggin. His mug is pale, haggard and woebegone. Nobody is going to mistake him for George Clooney. Yet the old fellow persuaded a young blonde in a supermarket to 1) ask him out, 2) marry him and 3) have two kids with him. This fellow could talk Ahmadinejad out of his nuclear ambitions." I giggled... a lot.
So is our superficial society ready to judge Thompson for his own relationship? Will conservatives turn against him for his very outside-of-the-box marriage? Jeri says that the idea of a "trophy wife" is fabricated by the media because they have nothing else to talk about. Doubt it.
I really don't know how to analyze the situation - I just find it interesting. I feel that if I were to discuss my feelings, I may grow a little too intense. Perhaps another time. But women should really stick up for themselves in this aspect. No one should be a "trophy" wife.


Emoke said...

I liked your idea that women should not be trophy wives! It's so true. Especially, for women like us who go to college and will end up hopefully in leading positions.
About the marriage. I don't think it should be over-analyzed! They just got married, because. Maybe Thompson liked blond women, and she wanted security. Or she fell in love with him. Or who knows. So many articles could be written on the topic, but could they present the truth? And what if she married him for money and fame? Does it matter at all? I think it's just simple yellow journalism. Some journalist out there had nothing better to write about.

Hannah Perkins said...

I think there is an ethical issue here.. but should it really be analyzed deeply? Tabloids are fine, I read star and OK!.. but like i dont rally feel that a marriage should be analyzed in great degree. Maybe they are in love and so what if she is younger and beautiful. A "trophy" wife though, I still think is over analyzing. yes, no woman should be just a "trophy," we are better and smarter etc.. but just becasue she has a family with a much older man doesnt mean crap..yea i said it crap. i dunno.. i just think there are better things to write about and analyze more than Thompson's younger wife. :)

econroy1 said...

Maybe she just happens to be blonde by genetics and just came from a vacation at the beach, making her need groceries. Don't be hatin' on a blonde wanting to eat (I know you aren't...I just wanted to say that though).

I honestly don't have anything wrong with trophy wives or trophy husbands. I was the girl who while going to college fairs wanted to ask for directions on how to get to the table labeled "Marrying Rich." You can analyze the phrasing of "trophy" all you want, but really, who wouldn't mind a life like that? If the opportunity presented itself, and you actually did love the fellow (or fellowette), I don't see a problem in getting involved.

This is going to make everyone hate me. I'm just being realistic (sort of).

Archana said...

You should take a look at Deniss Kucinich's wife. They got together when I was still in Ohio and the Plain Dealer front page/ center page did a whole article on their love story. Kucinich was the but of many jokes anyway, but this story ..MAN...left all those jokes behind..all that was talked about was if Kucinich could get a wife like that then anyone can.

I think the main issue here is that why is Fred Thompson's hot babe making headlines rather than his political views? Disappoining and disgusting.

JT said...

Is it love? i don't know. Is it a gold-digging woman seeking political fame? i don't know. is she a "trophy wife?" i dont know...
i think the person who wrote the article really had nothing better to write about, because they don't know the answers to that either- only Thompson and his wife know if they are really in love. also why write about his wife?.. why not write about his political beliefs- something that really matter. not just a person's looks.